Our Location

Mechanics Institute Singleton

74 George Street,

Singleton, NSW.

Phone: 02 65722235


Opening Hours

Monday 6pm-8pm

Wednesdays 12-3pm

Saturdays 12-3pm - 1st and 3rd

Other times by appointment only

Downloads Page


GENERAL MEETING: 3rd Saturday each month at 11.00am. Please confirm.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: 3rd Saturday in February at 3pm.

LIBRARY: Ground floor Mechanics Institute 74 George Street, Singleton 2330

Open Mondays 6 pm to 8 pm; Wednesdays 12 noon to 3 pm; Saturdays 1st and 3rd of the month 12 noon to 3 pm; Other times by appointment.

Closed Public Holidays and for a period in December & January.

Use of Library facilities free to members Non members $5-00 per visit

MEMBERSHIP: Dues commence 1st February each year $35 Single $40 per family.

POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 422, Singleton NSW. 2330

RESEARCH ENQUIRIES: Non members $36 per letter of enquiry plus costs. Out of town members up to 3 free enquiries per year.

All Postal Research Requests should be addressed to the Secretary and include the Research fee payment and a Stamped Addressed A4 Envelope.

All Email Research Requests should be emailed to famhissocsinginc@yahoo.com.au

Direct Banking Payments are available on request. When Direct Banking please use your name as a reference and notify us of payment.



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Previous News Letters

The Patrick Plains Gazette April 2019
The Patrick Plains Gazette August 2019
The Patrick Plains Gazette December 2019

Gazette Articles