The Terminus Hotel During 1862 the building of the railway line and station had proceeded, on part of Andrew McDougall's original 'Kelso Estate' and John Street was widened from the Benevolent Asylum. The Teminus Hotel was the second of four Hotels to be built in the area, which developed with the extension of the railway line to Singleton, and known as South Singleton. The Railway was officially opened on 7th May 1863. Henry Raddock was the first owner and Licensee from 13th December 1862. On 8th October 1863, he advertised the hotel for sale in the Maitland Mercury as being "opposite the Railway Terminus, with nine rooms and a large bar recently erected". However he held the licence until it was cancelled on 9th November 1871. Denis McNamara obtained the publican's licence on 15th January 1872 and Patrick Cullen on 10th July, 1873. His wife, Caroline, died at the hotel on 10th July 1874. Frederick Williams, previously Mine Host at the Forbes and Caledonia Hotels, followed in 1875. He died at the hotel on 10th July 1876. Mrs Elizabeth Moss began a long association with the hotel in 1877, holding the licence until 1891. Michael Rogers became lessee until 1894 when Mrs. Moss again took over as Owner and Licensee. Richard Lamplough, as lessee, held the licence from 24th October 1895. During his time as publican, improvements, additions and alterations were carried out. The Singleton Argus, 29th July 1902 reported "Improvements carried out by Mr. M. Anderson. The hall and passages leading to the various rooms have been fitted with India matting, as well as the pilasters, which give a very pleasing effect in combination with nicely engraved door panellings, in fact, the whole interior of the hotel has been greatly improved including the bathrooms. The bar has not been forgotten. Mr. Anderson has especially imported from Italy some classical pictures in oils, of heathen divinities prominent among which is, of course, "the rosy God" Bacchus, with Diana, the goddess of hunting, Flora, the goddess of flowers and other celebrities. Altogether, there is a finish and well presented style through Mr. Anderson's work that would do credit to more important, though perhaps not more appreciative towns than Singleton. The Singleton Argus 18th September 1909 reported, "Frederick D. Anderson, a Singleton Architect, invited tenders until 11th October 1909 for the Erection and Completion of Extensive Additions and Alterations to the Terminus Hotel for Mrs. Moss. It was known to be two storey by 1910. Richard Lamplough's wife, Sarah Jane, died at the hotel on 2nd October 1914. Mrs. Elizabeth Moss sold the hotel to Thomas Irwin Janson in 1920 for £2000. He had previously been publican at the Agricultural Hotel, facing the Railway Station. His wife, Eliza Jane died at the Terminus Hotel on 11th November, 1922. A.J. Pooley probably followed as the licence was transferred to Cyril S. Newman (known as Sep) in May 1926. Elizabeth Moss died on 15th July 1927 and was buried in the plot next to Sarah Jane Lamplough in Whittingham Cemetery. Peter George Kohler was known to hold the licence in 1928 and Patrick James McManus became licensee in December 1936. The Singleton Argus 20th May 1938 advertised the Terminus Hotel for sale on 11th June 1938 -- Two storey, brick and weatherboard, 21 rooms, electricity and lock up garages -- 80ft John Street x l69ft 9ins, Munro Street. At the Licensing Court at Singleton on 10th June 1938, Mrs. U. M. McManus applied for and was granted the transference of the Terminus Hotel from the late P.J. McManus to herself in her own right. The Singleton Argus 26th October 1938 advertised "Jack Killalea desires to notify the Residents of Singleton and District that he has taken over the Terminus Hotel and will be pleased to see Old & New Friends" John Kennedy Killalea, still the licensee, died on 24th May 1943. The next known Argus reference is, Arch Wynn became publican from 14th March 1955, under the new sign of Tattersalls. Jimmy Carruthers was associated with the hotel for a short time, learning the rudiments of hotel keeping, after retiring from boxing in 1955. Tattersalls Hotel was leased to Roy Leslie Simpson as reported in Singleton Argus 23rd December 1956, taking over from Arch Wynn. On 14th February 1962, nine rooms and a bathroom were burnt out and the Hotel severely damaged by the fire. Mrs. E. A. Sattler was then licensee. The Hotel was later demolished.
References: Publicans Licences to 1920 -- State Records NSW. Maitland Mercury Singleton Argus Singleton Historical Society Contributor Dot Clayworth Gazette Vol 24 No 3 December More Hotel photos from Tooth and Company |